Saturday, September 26, 2009


I think I made a new friend today... and in my excitement I never asked for a name. But I just love to jump the gun in that department. This blog isn't supposed to be about that stuff anyway.

To continue on a more personal level, I work in a place where I'm surrounded by food. I'm a waiter, to be more specific. FOOD: I have to write about it, talk about it, touch it, serve it, see it, you name it - I probably do it on the daily. Maybe that's why I have a willpower of steel when it comes to not giving in. I'm used to being around tons of food that will never touch my lips. Worse yet, it's Asian food... my favorite.

At work today one of the other waiters asked if I was hungry when I walked in early for my shift. Without thinking I said, "Yeah! I always am, don't you know?" Before I knew it he was offering me plates of food and insisting I try new things that the owners were thinking about putting on the menu. I snaked my way around it so well that I felt like I deserved an Oscar.

The plates were laid out in a buffet type fashion on the table in front of me. First I pushed the portions around to make it look like a considerable amount had been removed from each plate of food. Then I took bits and pieces of each and smeared them around on my plate. I sat there drinking water and looking like I was busy with the chopsticks for about ten minutes before getting up.

"What'd you think?" Little did he know, I'd spent a long time imaging exactly how each item tasted and what I should say about it. I ranted on about this and that before asking if he wanted my leftovers. When he went back to clear the table I was pleased to hear that I had achieved my desired results: "Wow! You always have a big appetite. You almost finished everything." Flawless victory...

Current weight: 158.2lbs / 71.7kg

Yes, I am also wondering how I'm not losing anything despite staying around 500 calories. I guess I really did hurt my metabolism... and the fact that I do -no- exercise can't be good either. Starting today I'm going to dedicate myself to one hour of yoga and at least two miles of running/jogging/walking. 400 calories should be liquid, 100 to solid food. I realized that food starts to taste way better when you eat less of it. You appreciate everything.

If my body wants a stalemate it's in for a surprise. I need to hit 130 by the time Halloween comes around and I will do it. It also happens to be my birthday and this is the best gift I can give myself. I have a little over a month to lose 28 lbs. That's about 6lbs per week. That's roughly a pound per day.

I went out and bought a scale for myself to motivate me. It cost me about $45.00 USD but it was worth it. I got a super nifty digital one that tracks your starting weight, then shows you how much you've gained or lost since the last time you weighed yourself and since your starting weight. It also glows in the dark. [:

There will be weight updates with every post so I am very much aware of what's happening. That number should never go up. Every time it does, I'm going to do a water fast for 24 hours and then a salt water flush. No exceptions.

Thinspo! Theme for today is... bones. I could use it.

Starve on.

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