Thursday, October 22, 2009


Whoo, it looks like I didn't do too well on sticking to my word... so I'll leave this post as a simple weight update with responses to comments! A new post that's in the works will have more interesting things to look at. (:

Current weight: 138.0lbs / 62.6kg

I managed to lose 2.2lbs / 1kg in a single day. That was really impressive. I don't know why it happened that way. I had one box of raisins in the morning (40 calories) and a Subway kid's meal sized (3'') ham sandwich (135 calories) on that day. Later I went back up to almost 140.0lbs because I felt like I "deserved a reward" for finally getting solidly below 140lbs.

That's a mindset that I really need to learn to walk away from. Yes, I have lost weight, so I need to reward myself in ways that don't ruin what I'm awarding myself for! Buy some new pants, go out and see a movie, get a new video game... but
DO NOT EAT. Thankfully I squeaked my way all the way back down to 138.0, but it looks like hitting 130.0 by Halloween isn't going to happen. I'll be happy if I'm anywhere in my 130s!

P: Thanks a lot for your support! I have some good news for you about MSG: from what I know, it's all bologna. I have a friend who works as a researcher at UCLA (microbiology) and she has told me time and time again that there's no science behind it. It's basically a complex sodium (salt) molecule that's a little harder for your body to break down. Like anything, too much of it isn't great for you... but it's not going to kill you or cause cancer. All things in moderation - and with Ana on your side, that should be easy to accomplish! I'm glad to hear that you're thinking about yourself again. With a little time you'll want to look in the mirror again. I know how it feels to be ashamed of what you've become. You can reach your dreams! Don't give up!

Zoe: It's too bad I hate almonds and soy, lol! I can't stand tofu either. I'd make a terrible vegetarian. Egg whites are an excellent idea! I've been deathly afraid of eggs since I started losing weight. I'm sure you can hit your goal in a few months if you really stick to it. I have some calculations that I'm going to post later, but it's safe to say that it's entirely feesible to lose 20lbs easily in one month without any exercise if you stick a super low-intake diet. As you can see, I have done (at the most) an hour of yoga every other week. All the weight loss I've had so far is purely from controlling my diet. (:

A: I wasn't aware any of the vitamins were gender-specific? If you see something I missed, point it out to me! But the last time I checked everything I've listed is safe for men and women. (Unless you were making fun of the diet drug that causes sterility in men... then disregard my freak out.)

Viv: I agree with you! A big part of the reason why I made this site was because I got frustrated with all the blogs I came across that had been abandoned. Unfortunately, I can't relate with your bra woes. ): If you're really worried about it, remember that there are super push up padded bras out there. I'm sure they would more than make up for what you lose... and no one would know your secret since you were well-endowed before you lost the weight! I've noticed the most weight loss from my upper arms, hips and thighs.

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