Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kewick Diet, Thinspo, Goals

I added a new diet to the diet page. I gave this one a shot myself and it was pretty successful. If you want to try something that's short and sweet I'd suggest that you try it.

You may eat only 1,000 calories per day and they must be 90% fat. You may only drink water. This list is an example of very high fat foods.

Nuts / Seeds / Legumes: Macadamia, pecans, coconut, pine, walnuts, hazelnuts, sesame, sunflower, peanut.

Meat: Mackerel, duck, goose, fatty tuna, beef ribs, ground beef (70% lean / 30% fat), filet mignon, cured pork, dehydrated pork, bacon, ham, veal, beef jerky, egg yolks.

Sweets: dark chocolate (80% or higher.)

Condiments: Butter, heavy whipping cream, mayonnaise, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, lard, vegetable oil, corn oil.

I want to hit my lowest weight by June so I'm trying to stay at 800 calories or less per day. It's a light amount of restriction that I think I can easily maintain for a few months. I found some wonderfully delicious Progresso soups that are only 60 calories per serving.

I was tagged as a versatile blogger by this lovely lady and I'm filling this out in response.

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who loved you enough to bestow this gift.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honor onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers – in no particular order – who are fantastic in some way. (Instead of choosing 10 people I would like to invite any fellow blogger who reads this to fill it out on their own.)
4. Drop by and let your ten new friends know you admire them.

1. Capable of doing many things competently.
2. Having varied uses or serving many functions.
3. Variable or inconstant; changeable.

Seven Things About Me...

1: I am moving to Japan for work in the distant future.
2: My only legitimate fear is the plague.
3: I have a false Sprite can on my desk that I keep bullet casings in.

4: I dislike Disneyland (as a theme park - I don't find it to be fun or enjoyable.)
5: Maybe it's because I worked there as a character for nearly a year in high-school.
6: I am asexual.
7: I have never had a cigarette, intercourse, illegal drug, or alcoholic beverage in my life.

Here's some before and after thinspiration. I know I could use it!

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